about me

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my name is deseure (like 'de jure'). I ​have a social work and education ​background. But really? i love ​comics & graphic novels. I collect ​for leisure, tools for literacy, ​critical analysis, and character ​designs for cosplay.

I also Love DJing vinyl records.

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I also love the following


  • fighting games (mainly street ​fighter and Marvel vs. capcom)
  • DDR (Dance dance revolution) ​and related rhythm games
  • badtz maru
  • esoteric things
  • libraries with a lot of graphic ​novels to explore

business card ​comics (and zines)

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back in 2018, during a 6 hour comics ​challenge held in seattle, i 'invented' the ​business card comic/zine. I thought of it ​as a solution to networking at ​conferences since i collected so many ​cards and later had no idea who i ​connected with and what the connection ​was about. why not have a zine with ​those main points for future reference? ​this evolved into zines

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To have safe and thoughtful conversations about ​comic book volumes and graphic novels based on ​either A)monthly challenges or B) critiquing selected ​group titles using various 'lenses'


Do the Mission affordably by means of getting titles from ​A) local book stores and comic book shops B) libraries , C) ​digital platforms . If cost becomes an issue, dues can be ​considered for additional purchases.


Start the CBC off with monthly challenges while fostering ​partnerships with local book stores and comic book shops ​to procure book club discounts, then switch to monthly ​titles to be selected based on availability

Next Meeting:

Saturday, October 14th, 2023

8:00 pm (PST); 10:00 pm (CDT)

Where: Discord

October's Discussion Challenge:

Monsters and Horror featuring ​My Favorite Thing is Monsters

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For the comics/graphic novels you read or have…

What did you notice about the stories ​told? How do you connect with monsters ​or horror?

Comic Script Bubble Illustration

The education and academic side of me saw a clear ​connection between comics, cosplay, and S.T.E.M. ​Education. In efforts to connect these with a sense of ​confidence, i proposed educational programming ​called Self-E-STEAM, to mixed reviews. after returning ​to the drawing board, i re-named the project "comics ​& Cosplay D.R.E.A.M.S." (Design, research, engineering, ​arts, mathematics, science). bits and pieces of this ​program were tested out in high school and ​elementary spaces, but the trans-disciplinary vision as ​a whole (dedicated to high school, running start, and ​community colleges,) has yet to be fully realized. The ​section title is linked to a website that reflects on ​the vision.